We have been preaching to anyone who will listen for years. Do not top, pollard, knuckle, shorten, etc. your crepe myrtles. It is bad for the tree's health, it looks bad, everything about it is wrong. It doesn't matter if your parents, grandparents, neighbors, or friends have done this for years. If they or you are still doing this... stop, pretty please. How to Fix Your Crepe Myrtle
If you have been topping your crepe myrtles for years, there is a way to get them back on track over time. If you have a knuckled mess from years of trimming branches to the trunk, you are going to have to top the tree for the last time. Cut just below the knuckled mess that has been created. If your tree was clear cut at the tops, then you can skip the previous step. Next you have to wait a few weeks until new growth starts at the top. There should be a lot of small, new growth. Pick a few to keep from the tops of each trunk that are growing up and away from the center of the tree. The rest can be removed with pruners. You will let these continue to grow. Every year to six months, you can remove the smaller new growth and branches that form that grow towards other branches. It is going to take a while to look better. We are talking three to five years. If you are impatient, look into transplanting a new tree to replace it. Train Your Crepe Myrtle to Grow the Right Way Traditional pruning, or training, for crepe myrtles should keep splits in branch growth in threes. While not definitive, a good guide to go by is three limbs every three to five feet of height. Start of with three, then nine, then twenty seven. Always train your tree branches to grow up and away from the center. Remove small limbs that cross other limbs. Your goal for crepe myrtles is to have them resemble flowers in a clear vase meaning blooms up top and a center you can generally see through. Get Rid of Crepe Myrtle Suckers Small pruning for suckers can be done anytime they pop up. Those are the micro branches that pop out of fresh cuts or just about anywhere. Take some pruners and remove them, especially from the base of a mature tree. What If My Crepe Myrtle Is Too Tall If your crepe myrtle is too tall, you need a different variety of crepe myrtle. I know it is not what you want to hear, but cutting the top off looks bad and the point of a crepe myrtle is to look good. Transplant your existing crepe myrtle where it can grow and plant something else in it's place.
![]() Trees provide shade and beauty for both your lawn and home. A well planted and positioned shade tree will become symbolic of the great times you've had outside your home. On the other hand, a poorly positioned shade tree will seem to become the bane of your home. Most problems with shade trees are when they are planted too close to your home. These problems will not be immediately obvious since shade trees take quite a while to grow. Shade Tree Site PlanShade trees are the marathon of garden planning. It will take about twenty years before your tree is fully grown, sometimes longer. Make certain to know the maximum height and width before you plant. This will also affect what you can grow beneath the tree including types of grass, shrubs, flowers and ornamental trees. Plan for the branches A poorly planned tree will have branches that need to be repeated cut back to so they will not damage a home. Also, tree branches that hang over your pool will keep the sun from reaching it and also drop leaves into your pool causing you to spend more time cleaning. Trees branches can also block your view. This seems obvious, but most forget how large a tree will get. Plan for the trunk I used to worry about a very old water oak falling on my first home daily. If the tree will grow too tall, don't plant it close enough to your home or car if a strong hurricane were to knock it down. Plan for the roots Some trees have large root systems. The roots can damage driveways and foundations. These roots can also have an effect on irrigation and utility lines. Cypress trees produce knees which can damage your lawn mower and walkways. Additionally, some trees are very sensitive to the amount of water they have near their roots. While cypress trees may be able to live in the wettest of soil conditions, maples will normally need well drained soils to thrive. Shade Tree Soil TestThere are trees which adapt to a wide range of soil acidity. Unfortunately, there are also a lot that do not. Either get a soil testing kit from the hardware store or have a soil test done at a LSU Ag center. If you know your plants well enough, you can tell what type of soil you have based on how the current plants perform. Soil test are not too pricey so I would recommend using one before investing the time and money into shade trees. Talk with your local nursery to see which plants are best suited to your garden's pH levels. Some trees that are more pH dependent are Live Oaks, Pecan, Bald Cypress, Sycamore, American Beech, Ginkgo, Hickory and Sweet Gum. A few pH adaptable trees are the southern Sugar Maple, White Ash, Green Ash and Crape Myrtles. Before you begin to dig in Louisiana always call 811 for LA One Call to come and test for utilities. Its free and could save you a lot of time, money and maybe your life. Additional HelpGreenSeasons is always happy to help design a landscape master plan. If you want to have some shade trees planted for you, just click here and we will give you a call.
If you would simply like some shade tree landscaping advice, please contact us. One day you come outside and notice the oak tree in your yard has white webbing covering most of its trunk and some branches. Your first reaction is, "What is this on my tree and how do I get rid of it?" Well most people would have that reaction, but the good news is it is an overreaction. What you are seeing is the protective webbing of psocids, commonly referred to as bark lice. Believe it or not, this is a good thing. Bark Lice, aka Tree CattleBark lice show up on trees during the summer and early part of fall. Tree cattle eat algae, mold, fungi, lichen and dead insects that are in and on your tree's exterior. Most of these food sources are plentiful when given heat and excessive humidity which is why southern Louisiana is home to large invasions of psocids. They typically feed on hard wood trees and palms. I personally believe their tree of choice is an oak tree since it is what I have seen bark lice on the most. The good news is bark lice does not do any damage to the tree. By eating these foreign objects on the hard wood trees and palms, they are actually cleaning the tree. Be sure to thank them. How to Get Rid of Bark LiceBark lice will go away on their own. After they have gone, the bark lice webbing will dissolve over the next few weeks. If you just can't stand the sight of the webbing in your tree, a soapy water solution may encourage them to move along. Mix three tablespoons of dish soap per gallon of water and apply it to the infested area. If this does not work, you will have to learn to live with the tree cattle until they move on to their next tree. GreenSeasons is glad to help with any concerns regarding your trees you may have. If you would like for us to come out and perform a tree inspection, tree pruning, tree fertilzation, tree removal, or any other tree work, just click here and we will give your a call.
If you would just like some more advice on trees, please contact us. There are trees all over southern Louisiana and most likely in your yard. Trees provide shade, privacy, nuts, fruit, animal habitats, a way to get out the heat and more. With all the benefits trees give we should take our natural job as caretakers seriously. Below are a few easy to spot problems with trees that you should call in an arborist or tree company to analyze. Tree with Dead or Broken Branches![]() Trees that have dead branches or partially broken branches should be looked at by an arborist. These branches are only a strong gust of wind away from falling. Branches falling from this height can damage cars, damage homes and injure or kill someone. Taking care of these branches before they fall could save some money or a life. These type of problems should definitely be taken care of before hurricane season each year to help reduce the chance for damage at your home. Tree with a Clear Break![]() This one is really a no-brainer. If you have a tree trunk with a complete break, have an arborist see if your tree needs to come down. Usually this happens when other symptoms are ignored beforehand or a very strong hurricane comes. Tree with a Thin Canopy![]() A tree where the leaves are getting sparse when other trees of the same species have dense foliage is a sign for alarm. If taken care of early, these trees have a good chance of becoming healthy again. An arborist will be able to diagnose if the tree has a lack of water, nutrition, fungus or insect problem. They will then go through steps with you on how to correct the problem if possible. Tree with Mushrooms![]() There could be a dead spot on your tree if there are mushrooms growing on the bark. The mushrooms grown there since there is extra nitrogen from the decaying plant material. If the dead spot is large enough, your tree has a greater chance of falling. Get this checked out soon. Tree Missing a lot of BarkA tree that has lost a little bark is usually not a big deal. A Tree that has a 2 foot wide area or larger of missing bark is a big deal. It could be insect damage or a lightning strike. Get in touch with an arborist to identify the problem. Tree with No Leaves![]() Unless it is winter, a tree without leaves is most likely already dead. Have an arborist look at it to be certain, but chances are you need to take it down. A tree with all brown leaves when it should be green is another large indicator of a serious problem. GreenSeasons is glad to help with any concerns regarding your trees you may have. If you would like for us to come out and perform a tree inspection, tree pruning, tree fertilzation, tree removal, or any other tree work, just click here and we will give your a call. If you would just like some more advice on trees, please contact us. The correct way to prune crepe myrtles
The wrong way to prune crepe myrtles![]() Do not top or knuckle your crepe myrtle, sometimes called "crepe murder". This creates poor tree structure and a significant loss of the tree's stored energy. This practice will lead to increased disease, a poor appearance, and, if used consistently year after year, the death of the crype myrtle. ![]() This is the irregular growth that happens when a crepe myrtle has been topped. It is very unhealthy for the tree and, I've gotta say, pretty ugly too. WHEN TO FERTILIZE A TREE?The best time to fertilize a tree is in spring with the next best time being late fall. Trees are actively absorbing nutrients and moving sap through their trunk during the spring. The tree will perform better if the nutrition it needs is in the soil. We do recommend a soil test so you will know what your soil is lacking. Be sure to mark down the type of tree before sending your test off so you can get proper recommendations on what should be added to benefit your tree to most. how often to fertilize a tree ?Smaller and younger trees can be fertilized every year. Normally older large trees only need to be fertilized every two years. They typically do not need to be fertilized more than that unless they show signs of damage. Damage would usually be caused by insects, fungus or a severe drought in previous years. If you are currently in a drought, please do not try to fertilize your tree back to health. If the tree needs water, fertilizer will actually cause your tree to get worse. Think about what would happen to a human who was severely dehydrated and ate to cure their dehydration. HOW TO FERTILIZE A TREE?First we need to discuss where the fertilizer is going to go. This may seem like common sense, but this is an area where most people mess up. On a large tree, the area from two to three feet from the trunk of the tree to one to two feet past the drip line is the place you want to apply fertilizer. On a small to medium tree, stick to the whole area from two inches from the trunk to the drip line. The drip line would be the place on the ground the water would drip from the tips of the branches furthest away from the tree trunk.
WHAT TYPE OF TREE FERTILIZEROrganic fertilizers and amendments are naturally occurring Examples are peat moss, compost, saw dust, bone meal, manure. These will not only increase the nutrients in the soil, but will help reduce compaction and allow water to be held better. These fertilize the soil as they decompose so it is less of an immediate effect. The good news is they will be there for a while so your tree will continue to benefit from them for much longer than alternatives. They also contain less salts than inorganic produced fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers are cheap and scientific so you know exactly what you are getting. These are the most widely used for tree fertilization and get the job done. Three things we recommend are nitrogen, mychorrihizal fungi drench, and a systemic insecticide labeled for your tree. Aside from that, you should rely on the soil test results. Be sure to retest the soil near your tree every four to six years to see how you need to adjust your fertilization plan. *If your tree has a fungus problem, treat the fungus before fertilizing as fungus will thrive on nitrogen.
If you live in the Greater Baton Rouge, Greater New Orleans or anywhere in Southeast Louisiana, please feel free to call us at 225.752.2333 and have us help you in person. ![]() Palm trees are a widely use landscaping plant both for indoor and outdoor landscapes. They are generally easy to care for and thrive with sunlight, warm temperatures and good soil. Most species of palm perform very well in southern Louisiana. When their leaves turn yellow to brown have many people at at a loss as to what to do. There May Be a Problem With Your Palm's DietPalm Leaves Have Yellow Spotting If your palm has yellow spots appearing on an otherwise healthy tree, it needs some potassium. Apply a slow release fertilizer with a good amount of Potassium. Potassium in the middle number in the fertilizer breakdown on the front of your fertilizer package. Palm Leaves Have Yellow Stripes If there are yellow stripes on the lowest and oldest leaves then your palm has a magnesium deficiency. Use fertilizer with added magnesium and some extra dolomite on the soil around the tree to turn the tree's health around. Magnesium will be listed as Mg on most packaging. Older Palm Leaves Turning Yellow When older leaves begin yellowing, there is a lack of Nitrogen in the soil around your palm tree. The tree is literally canabalizing its older leaves for the nitrogen in them to support new growth. A bag of fertilizer labeled for palm trees from any nearby hardware store should have the tree looking great in no time. Your Palm Tree May Have a Bug or Fungus ProblemThis probably means you are dealing with either a fungus or an insect. Fungus will usually appear to be blotchy or spots of yellow on the leaves. An example of palm tree fungus would be fusarium wilt or bud rot. There may also be a powdery substance on the leaves. Insects will usually be accompanied by black soot on the plant, holes or tears in the leaves and damage to the trunk. An example of insects damaging to palms would be giant palm borers or thrips. There Isn't Any Signs of Pests and the Soil is FertilizedThe palm has proper nutrition, but the leaves are still turning brown. This is natural. as long as the transformation is fairly even. The leaves will eventually turn brown as part of the tree's life cycle. There is no need for them to turn prematurely though. Keep your palms fertilized and they will stay looking good for a much longer duration. Pruning Palm Trees![]() In best practice, you should not prune the leaves off the palm until they are completely brown. Doing so removes some of the nitrogen and other nutrition stored in the plant. That being said, a lot of people do not want leaves on their palms to be any color but green. If you are one of these people, you can prune the lower yellowing leaves off as long as your have the soil properly fertilized. If the leaves at the top of the palm are yellowing, you have one of the problems mentioned above. If you begin seeing other leaves yellow soon after pruning, your soil may not have had the correct amount of fertilizer. When pruning your palm, be sure to follow the same pattern of cut as all of the other branches have been cut so the trunk of the tree is uniform. Usually all you will need is protective glasses, a hat, gloves, a pair of loppers, a ladder and someone to hold it for you. If it is your first time pruning a palm, remember to take your time, be careful and it will probably take you a lot longer per tree to prune than you originally thought, especially if its been a few seasons since you pruned last. What are the classifications of trees?We will be discussing three different types: Deciduous Trees Basically trees which drop all of their leaves in winter. Examples would be maple, ash, elm. Evergreen Trees Trees which hold onto their leaves and stay green all year. Examples would be southern magnolia or Douglas Fir. Tropical Trees Think of these as trees or plants that have to be cut back or die if the temperature drops to freezing for more than a few days. Examples would be palm tree, banana tree. When is Tree Planting Season?Autumn
This is the best time to plant a deciduous tree. Between mid August to mid-October is the best time for a tree's root development. Planting a tree at this time will allow for the tree to adjust and come back strong the following spring. Winter When a tree is dormant, as in the leaves have all dropped, is the best time to transplant a tree. There is the least chance of the tree dying due to the stress of being transplanted. Be sure to water your plant if there is an absence of rain. Even though the tree has lost it's leaves, water is still needed to sustain it. Spring Spring is a great time to plant a tree, especially evergreen trees. The temperature is still generally mild for a long period of time and there is plenty of precipitation. There is a danger of root rot and fungus in areas having excessive rainfall. Summer New tree plantings should be avoided during this time of year. You should wait until the average temperature drops below 90 degrees. An exception to this would be tropical trees, such as bananas, and tropical plants in general, as summer is an excellent time to plant tropicals. |
AuthorCharlie Casselberry Categories
February 2025