knockout rose gets knocked outYou are outside admiring your landscaping when you notice something different about your knockout roses. New, long, red shoots are protruding out from your otherwise normal looking plant. The flowers have bloomed and appear gnarled. What you are looking at is the effects of the virus known as rose rosette disease. The disease will continue to spread to all other parts of the plant. The knockout rose's health will continue to degrade and it will die. ...but wait, there's more! If that wasn't bad enough, the virus is spread by eriophyid mites. These mites are about the size of dust and simply go where ever the wind takes them. You read that right. Wherever the wind blows is exposed to the risk of rose rosette and all of their knockout roses dying. If the mites, which you can't see, land on your knockout roses and feed, they transmit the virus and your roses chance of survival drops substantially. how to treat rose rosetteWell the short form of it is you can't treat it. Once the virus has entered the knockout rose, its there to stay. Your only chance of saving the plant is to catch it early remove the infected part of the plant by cutting well below the infected area, cutting into the healthy part of the plant. If you didn't notice the disease until it has infected the entire plant, here's what you do. Uproot the plant and dispose of it. Sorry, but there is no other options to save it.
Unfortunately, knockout roses are not exclusively the only rose the rose rosette damages. There are many other varieties susceptible to the virus so keep an eye out. All roses with the virus will display the same symptoms as the infected knockout roses.
We put together a quick video on how to change the oil in a lawnmower. It is pretty simple, but a lot of people don't really know how to change the oil on your average push mower. Follow the instructions for you particular brand of mower, but the rule of thumb is to change the oil after 30 hours of use. Let me know any questions you have in the comments section. mower oil change videoWatermelon will grown on a large vine sprawling out from the seed you plant. The plant loves heat and sunlight. In southern Louisiana this means planting watermelon seeds in late March to Mid April for best results. There are two beautiful things about growing watermelon. First, once they start growing, they need very little attention. Second, they are great to eat!
If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you. Compost is great for vegetable gardens, flower beds, potted plants, refreshing your grass or just to add to just about anything dealing with landscaping at your home. You could buy a compost box or compost bin from a store or online, but why would you? Here is a way to make one that will take very little time and is nearly free. what you will need to make a composting bin
how to build a composting box
help with compostingThe spaces between the boards of the pallets will help air and water to reach more of the composting soil. Air and water are needed for the bacteria to break down the material into compost. Lack of air can lead to smells.
Do not add protein to the compost pile. It will attract animals and will add a terrible stench. Try to keep a 50/50 ratio of brown compost material(leaves, dirt) and green compost material (discarded vegetables, grass clippings, egg shells, fruit skins) If you want your compost to occur more quickly, be sure to turn your compost with a pitchfork and add some earthworms you find. If you find that you have too much compost, I bet you have a neighbor who could really use some. Composting not only creates great soil for you, it also reduces what we send to landfills. Do your part to keep the earth green. |
AuthorCharlie Casselberry Categories
September 2024