Tropical plants are very beautiful to look at. After all they are usually vibrant, extravagant, feathery, glossy, or textured. It makes sense that these plants would bring some life to one's landscape. Louisiana is a very hot with a considerable amount of rain fall. However, that makes an excellent environment for tropical plants. How to Take Care of Your Tropical Plants in Warmer Weather:![]() All plants of course need water, light, and soil to grow successfully. Additional things such as fertilizer and pest control can also improve your plants health. Tropical plants tend to flourish more when they are constantly moist rather than being overly wet. Overwatering your yard could possibly damage the plant. It is also important to try to give your plant enough sun and water if you do not live in a warm and wet climate like Louisiana. Taking Care of Your Plants During the Winter:There are one of two things that usually happen to tropical plants during the winter. Tropical plants will either wither and die to the weather conditions, or they will be able to sustain the cold temperatures and live to bloom another season. However, there are several precautions you can take to help prevent certain tropical plants from succumbing to the cold temperatures in the winter. What to Do If You Want to Take Plants Inside for the Winter:Assuming you are able to take some of your tropical plants inside and give them proper conditions, it might be one of the best options to help them survive in the winter. Another thing you can do is cut the foliage down because the leaves will eventually fall by themselves due to the cold weather. Another thing you can do is wash the plants. Washing the plants is important if you want to move them inside, because it will help remove any unwanted dirt and possible pests. Speaking of pests, make sure you rid your plant of bugs before you bring it inside.
In contrast, some tropical plants that are more likely to survive the winter. Hardy ferns and clumping bamboo can be found in colder climates, and plants like these are usually the ones to survive harsher climates.
What is a Living Green Wall? A living green wall is a vertical arrangements of plants that don't take up a lot of floor space while looking nice. These are also called living walls, biowalls, modular green walls, or vertical gardens. What Are the Benefits of Green Walls? People like beauty and nature is beautiful. More people will notice, talk about, and want to be around green walls. The less greenery around, the more attractive your green wall becomes to people. You will attract more potential clients and team members with a well designed living green wall. Exterior green walls lower energy costs by reducing the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the building in the summer. In the winter, they insulate the building from heat loss. Plants and the planting base absorb sound, keeping the area behind the green wall quieter. Interior green walls increase oxygen and filter out pollutants. Studies have repeatedly shown indoor plants increase productivity while reducing stress. Plants regulate air temperature and humidity. What Are Green Walls Made of?
Green walls can be as simple as a wire frame that supports small plastic bags filled with soil. They can also be made from structural medium that incorporates soil or non-organic alternatives which have a useful life of over a decade. An increase in the quality of the growing medium causes an increase in the amount of time between medium replacement. Loose soil in bags needs to be replaced every year or two. Structural media can last between a decade to fifteen years. What Type of Plants Go in Green Walls? This depends of the green wall's location. An interior green wall consists of a mix of tropical plants. Plants for exterior green walls tend to work better when using plants that would thrive in climate zone slightly north of the area being planted. Choose "easy to grow" plants. Plants with short life spans or plants that must be constantly cared for are not an ideal choice for a vertical green wall. Can a Green Wall Have a Unique Design?
Yes. These are formed using different plants and maintaining gaps between plants. The simplest way is to get the spacing between plants and dimensions of the wall and to use it to make a color-coded dot diagram. How Hard Are Green Walls to Care for? They are actually quite time consuming. Green walls take a while to acclimate to growing vertically. The plants compete for space and try to grow over one another if not pruned often. An interruption in water could be disastrous for the entire wall. Regular fertilization is required. Unintentional changes in light are often a source of grief. If possible, hiring a professional to maintain your green wall is going to make things much easier. Interested in Buying a Living Green Wall If you live in either the Greater Baton Rouge or Greater New Orleans areas and are interested in buying a living green wall, please contact us or give us a call at 225-752-2333. Go into any modern hospital and you will notice a lot plants. Hospitals have therapeutic gardens, potted indoor plants, and often at least one plant in most patient rooms. This is due to plants having a proven track record of improving the health and well-being of people. Indoor plants bring a relaxing element to what is often a stressful ordeal for the patient and their family. Indoor plants ease tension for the sick, their loved ones, nurses and doctors who treat them. Proven Benefits of Indoor Plants and Therapeutic Gardens Countless studies have concluded that indoor plantings bring about positive changes in people. Below are a few examples:
Therapeutic gardens come in a variety of sizes. They can be installed on a wall or they can take up most of your lobby. If you are in the design phase of a new building, include an area for a garden indoors. Landscape pots and garden boxes can retrofit almost if you are interested in a therapeutic garden, but don't have a designated space. Therapeutic gardens provide both health benefits and aesthetic beauty for the affordable cost of maintaining landscaping. We often forget about plants when designing our buildings. We know plants are beneficial and should have a place in our day to day lives. Feel free to contact us if you are thinking about installing a therapeutic garden or using indoor plants.
![]() Indoor plants are great to look at in either the home or office. Besides their aesthetic value, they have plenty of other great benefits listed below. The best way to get the most of out of indoor plants is to have at least one 6" indoor potted plant for every 100 square feet of building. Also, use different plants to get different benefits. If this seems like too many plants watch over, you could use a few large indoor plants or at least put plants in the areas you use the most, such as the kitchen, living room or bed room. Try to use an indoor six foot tree in open corners of a room. A small six inch potted plant can easily find a spot in most bathrooms. Indoor plants can help fight diseaseIndoor plants can reduce fatigue, coughs, and other flu symptoms by more than 28 percent. This as been associated with indoor plants ability to increase humidity and reduce dust. Eucalyptus can directly help clear cold symptoms such as congestion. The increased oxygen and removal of air contaminates reduces the chance for headaches. Plants reduce stress which reduces blood pressure. Indoor plants improve air qualityWe all know that plants produce fresh oxygen by filtering out carbon dioxide in the air for us and our pets to breath. The more fresh oxygen in our homes, the better we will feel. Indoor plants also raise humidity levels and reduce dust and smoke in the air. Additionally, indoor plants can filter a number of other harmful pollutants in the air of our home or office, including ammonia, benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and xylene. Different plants are more able to filter different toxic air pollutants, so it is a good idea to have a variety of plants. Indoor plants improve your healthIndoor plants are known to increase production and creativity in office buildings with indoor plants in sight of people's desk. Increased oxygen at night will help you sleep better and wake feeling more rested. Plants like the aloe plant can be used for burns. Caring for plants has been shown to keep people active and improve mental health, especially in depressed and elderly people. Early exposure for children to plants allows them to build up tolerances toward allergens that would affect them more harshly in adulthood. Indoor plants improve your environmentIndoor plants reduce dust and increase the humidity of the air around them. The increase humidity and reduced dust can lead to indoor heating and cooling savings by regulating the indoor temperature. Something to think about next time you are complaining how hot it is in the middle of August in southern Louisiana. Indoor plants also reduce background noise by being natural sound dampeners. They are a great natural way to quiet down loud areas of your home or office. Indoor plants can reduce smells. Put a few indoor plants near office restrooms or break areas to maintain a more neutral scent. Professional Indoor Plant CareGreenSeasons can install and maintain indoor plants for you. We provide indoor plants in the Greater Baton Rouge, Greater New Orleans, Slidell, Hammond and Covington areas. If you would like to meet with someone about indoor plants, just click here and we will give you a call.
If you would simply like some advice, please contact us and we will be more than happy to help. |
AuthorCharlie Casselberry Categories
February 2025